Journey Of A Dreamer

Humbling Lessons

Dear Felicity,

Had a few things to learn this past two days and I do hope to be able to implement them.

a) I learned that many people forsake the Great Commandment for the Great Commission. They get so caught up in their work, their purpose in their life, their ministry that it’s no wonder so many burn out halfway. I’m learning that if God is Father, then my job is just to be His son, to walk with Him, to talk with Him, to dwell with Him. Like every son, I’ll get my inheritance (i.e. my success/fortune/ministry etc.) in due time when He knows I’m ready. For now, grow and learn and mature under His wise guidance and stay in His love. That way, I’ll get tasks that God knows I’m ready for and won’t overdo things like so many times before.

b) My emo-ness still sometimes screams that I shouldn’t have to be in the frontline so often. All my life, I’ve been in groups/companies (except MPH) that needed growing, that face tough times, that are in need of pioneers. I’ve never had the chance to just merely do my job, go home and relax. I am given leadership responsibilities, am asked, nay, demanded to raise young ones and stay strong in the midst of adversity. Rather than being shielded, I am in front trying to stand with my armour. And whilst  I feel alone and face trouble, danger, depression, numbing disappointment and cries that rip my optimism and self-worth away, the Voice speaks to me yet again that trouble is always opportunity, that challenges are chances to grow and shine above the rest, that being in the frontline as a pillar of strength is what will inspire many others as long as I remain weak and open to Him to let His strength shine through. Let a thousand fall on my left and ten thousand fall on my right as the Psalms say, by His strength, I pray I will not be moved and I will speak life not death, hope and not fear and gloom to the world of darkness and let light shine forth!! As I gulp down my own fears and insecurities and give them to the arms of the Strong One, I shout: “BRING IT ON!!!!!!!”

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